Possibility is something that may happen or be the fact or truth. It is the state, fact or quality of being possible or likelihood. Impossibility is the state, fact or quality of being impossible. Here are some most commonly used expressions for Possibility and Impossibility.
It might be possible |
Yes, it’s possible |
Yes, it’s possible to… |
Yes, there is possibility |
I think you’ll… |
It’s possible |
It’s possible that… |
I expect… |
I believe… |
I’m sure… |
I hope to… |
He/She could be right |
It can… |
It may… |
It could… |
Could be… |
May be… |
Possibly, I/He/She will… |
Hopefully, I/He/She will… |
Perhaps… |
I/We hope… |
Impossible |
No, it’s impossible |
No, it’s impossible to… |
It’s not possible that… |
I/We may not be able to… |
There’s no chance to… |
There’s impossibility of… |
No chance |
Not a chance |
It’s impossible |
It’s not likely… |
How is it possible? |
Certainly not |
Surely not |
No way |
Never |
I just don’t think it’s true |
I don’t think… |
I don’t expect… |
Is it possible? |
Is it possible to…? |
Is it possible for someone to…? |
Any chance? |
Is there any chance…? |
Will you be able to…? |
Can you…? |
Do we hope that…? |