Home GRAMMAR English Grammar: ‘Do as directed’ Examples: SET NO.4

English Grammar: ‘Do as directed’ Examples: SET NO.4

Grammar- Do as directed examples_04

English Grammar: ‘Do as directed’ Examples: SET NO.4

Do as directed means that you should follow the given instructions precisely or carry out the specific tasks that have been outlined. It typically indicates that you should apply the rules of grammar, punctuation, or syntax as provided in the instructions. Let’s practice some examples!!!

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:

1. At present, Elizabeth is living in _______ U.S.A.
(Choose appropriate Article)
i. an

ii. the 
iii. a
iv. No Article

2. Emily shouted _______ Peter to come to help her.
(Choose appropriate Preposition)
i. on

ii. to
iii. for
iv. at

3. Choose the correct option.
i. Although it was raining heavily, but Daniel went to office.

ii. Although it was raining heavily, Daniel went to office. 
iii. It was raining heavily although Daniel went to office.
iv. Daniel goes to office although it was raining heavily.

4. We love to have dessert after dinner.
(Choose proper example of Gerund)
i. We are loving to have dessert after dinner.

ii. We love having dessert after dinner.
iii. Having dessert after dinner we love.
iv. We are loving having dessert after dinner.

5. Choose the correct Antonym of ‘Virtuous’.
i. Vicarious

ii. Precious
iii. Vicious
iv. Cautious

6. Choose the correct one.
i. If I visit Texas, I will surely meet you.

ii. If I will visit Texas, I will surely meet you.
iii. If I visit Texas, I surely meet you.
iv. If I will visit Texas, I surely meet you.

7. Which one is correct?
i. America is one of the most developed country in the world.

ii. America is one of the most developed countries in the world.
iii. America is one of the developed country in the world.
iv. America is one developed countries in the world.

8. Robert _______ the marriage proposal of Camila.
(Choose the correct Phrasal Verb)
i. turned off

ii. turned up
iii. turned down
iv. turned on

9. Bella is the most elegant girl in the class.
(Choose the correct Positive Degree)
i. No other girl in the class is as elegant as Bella.

ii. Very few girls in the class are as elegant as Bella.
iii. No girl in the class is as elegant as Bella.
iv. Some girls in the class are as elegant as Bella.

10. One Should not misguide others.
(Choose the correct phrase for the word ‘misguide’)
i. lead astray

ii. leave astray
iii. go astray
iv. run astray

11. Alas! Owing to Covid-19, several people in the world had to lose their lives.
(Choose the correct Assertive)
i. It is alas that owing to Covid-19, several people in the world had to lose their lives.

ii. It is very sad that owing to Covid-19, several people in the world had to lose their lives.
iii. It is very sad that owing to Covid-19, several people in the world had to lose their life.
iv. None of these.

12. John had every required qualification, but still he could not get a suitable job for him.
(Choose the correct Simple Sentence)
i. Having every required qualification, John could not get a suitable job for him.

ii. Though having every required qualification, John could not get a suitable job for him.
iii. Despite having every good qualification, John could not get a suitable job for him.
iv. Being qualified, John could not get a suitable job for him.

13. “Would you please, post this letter for me?”, Anna asked Nicholas.
(Choose the correct Indirect Speech)
i. Anna asked Nicholas if he would post that letter for her.

ii. Anna asked Nicholas that he would post that letter for her.
iii. Anna requested and asked Nicholas if he would post that letter for her.
iv. Anna requested if Nicholas would post this letter for her.

14. A cat was lying _______ the bed.      
i. under
ii. in
iii. of
iv. below

15. A lack of knowledge _______ your confidence to a large extent.
i. effects

ii. except
iii. affects
iv. accepts

16. Samuel is too naive to see through the cunning mind of Charles.
(Choose the correct use of ‘so…that’)
i. Samuel is so naive that he could not see through the cunning mind of Charles.

ii. Samuel is so naive to see through the cunning mind of Charles.
iii. Samuel so that cunning to see through the cunning mind of Charles.
iv. None

17. Maya had baked a very beautiful and delicious cake for her daughter’s birthday.
(Change the Voice by choosing correct option)
i. For her daughter’s birthday, a very beautiful and delicious cake was baked by Maya.

ii. A very beautiful and delicious cake had been baked by Maya for her daughter’s birthday.
iii. A very beautiful and delicious cake has been baked for her daughter’s birthday by Maya.
iv. A very beautiful and delicious cake was baked by Maya for her daughter’s birthday.

18. _______ John’s hand-bag and _______ colour is black.
i. It’s, its
ii. Its, it’s
iii. Its, its
iv. It’s, it’s

19. Being rich, he can afford this expensive car.
(Choose the correct Complex Sentence)
i. He is rich and he can afford this expensive car.

ii. As he is rich, he can afford this expensive car.
iii. Due to being rich, he can afford this expensive car.
iv. He is too rich to afford this expensive car.

20. Close the window, as the storm is blowing.
(Change the Voice by choosing correct option)
i. The window was closed ,as the storm was blowing.

ii. The window has been closed, as the storm is blowing.
iii. Let the window be closed, as the storm is blowing.
iv. As the storm is blowing, the window had been closed.

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