Home Spoken English Common English Expressions: Joining A Conversation

Common English Expressions: Joining A Conversation

Useful Expressions- Joining a Conversation

Sometimes we go to a social event where we find some known or unknown people talking with each other. In this situation we should be very careful before joining a conversation. We need to observe the situation first. We should be bold and go up to join a conversation skillfully and politely without encroaching their privacy. Here are the most commonly used expressions for Joining a Conversation.

  Excuse me
  Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?
  Excuse me. May I join you?
  Excuse me, were you all talking about…
  Excuse me, I was wondering if I could join you
  Excuse me, I couldn’t help but…
  Would you mind…?
  Would you mind if I join…?
  May I join you?
  Mind if I join in?
  Mind if I sit here?
  Hi/Hello, I’m …
  Hi/Hello, my name is …
  I’m… , by the way, nice to meet all of you
  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt
  I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear…
  Hello guys, how are you?
  Hey guys, do you mind if I hang out for a couple of minutes?
  Hello! Are you a friend of…?
  Hi/Hello! Great party! Isn’t it?
  I beg your pardon, but aren’t you…?

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