Home MH STATE BOARD 1.2 On Saying ‘Please’-Maharashtra State Board-Class 12-English

1.2 On Saying ‘Please’-Maharashtra State Board-Class 12-English

1.2 On Saying Please by A.G. Gardiner

1.2: On Saying ‘Please’
Maharashtra State Board
Class 12, English

A.G. Gardiner

  • Born on June 2, 1865
  • Started literary career as Journalist
  • Editor of the Daily News, London
  • His essays are Uniformly Elegant, Graceful and Humorous
  • Able to teach Basic Truths of Life in Easy & Amusing Way
  • Died on March 3, 1946

A.G. Gardiner, or Alfred George Gardiner, was a renowned British journalist and author, celebrated for his essays that combined wit, wisdom, and a keen observation of human nature. Born in 1865, he gained fame through his work as the editor of the Daily News, where he championed liberal causes and social reform. Gardiner’s essays, often penned under the pseudonym “Alpha of the Plough,” are admired for their elegance, humor, and thoughtful reflections on everyday life. His writing continues to be appreciated for its timeless insights and graceful style.

On Saying ‘Please’

A.G. Gardiner’s essay “On Saying Please” emphasizes the significance of politeness and the impact of courteous behavior in everyday interactions. Gardiner illustrates how simple acts of kindness, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” can create a pleasant and harmonious social environment. He contrasts these acts of civility with rudeness, arguing that while politeness costs nothing, it yields substantial benefits in fostering goodwill and smooth human relationships. Through engaging anecdotes and clear reasoning, Gardiner highlights the power of politeness in enhancing our daily lives and interactions. The essay is focused on the Bad-mannered Liftman and Well-mannered Bus-Conductor.

प्रस्तूत पाठामध्ये लेखक ए.जी.गार्डीनर यांनी सामाजिक जीवनातील चांगल्या शिष्टाचाराचे मूल्य, त्याचबरोबर दैनंदिन वर्तनातील सभ्यता व विनम्रता यांचे महत्व विषद केले आहे. बोलण्यातील नम्रतेने व वागण्यातील सभ्यतेने आपल्या सभोवतालच्या वातावरणामध्ये किती गोडवा निर्माण होतो, त्याचबरोबर असभ्यता व वाईट गोष्टी सभोवतालचे वातावरण किती खराब व दुषित करतात यावर देखील लेखकाने प्रकाश टाकलेला आहे.


Activity: List the words of Courtesy that we use in our daily life. Explain the purpose of using each:

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Activity: Listed below are a few character traits of people. Some are positive while others are not. Tick the ones you feel desirable:

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Activity: Etiquette & Manners are very important. Read the following and put them in proper columns:

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Activity: Explain the following words with examples:

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Activity: Group Discussion.

A discussion of a group of people who gathered formally or informally together to discuss ideas, solve problems or make comments on a particular subject.

Group discussion is an important activity in academic, business and administrative spheres. It is a systematic and purposeful interactive oral process. Here the exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings take place through oral communication. It also takes place in a systematic and structured way. The participants sit facing each other almost in a semi-circle and express their views on the given topic, issue or problem.

As a student, it helps you to train yourself to discuss and argue about the topic given. It also helps you to express your views on serious subjects and in formal situations. It improves your thinking, listening and speaking skills. It also increases your confidence level.

Have a Group Discussion on the topic ‘The Need of Soft Skills at Work Place’ with the help of the given points:

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Activity: State whether True or False:

  • Bitter problems in day-to-day life can be solved by sweet words.
    – TRUE
  • Great wars could have been avoided by a little courtesy.
    – TRUE
  • Observance of etiquette in a normal situation is important but more important is their observance when the situation is adverse.
    – TRUE
  • Words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ help us in making our passage through life uneasy.
    – FALSE
    Correction: Words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ help us in making our passage    through life easy.
  • The law permits anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous.
    – FALSE
    Correction– The law does not permit anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous. It’s not a legal offence.

Activity: Select the most appropriate sentences which suggest the Theme of the essay:

a. The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility and control.
b. The essay explores the difficulties that can be incurred by an individual when dealing with the public.
c. One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to the level of the perceived offender.
d. People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and they look down upon others to get a feeling of superiority.


a. The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility and control.
c. One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to the level of the perceived offender.

Activity: Find the Reasons for the lift-man’s Uncivilized Behaviour:

  • The liftman felt insulted by unknown passenger
  • The liftman did not like passenger’s rude behavior
  • The liftman could not bear passenger’s discourtesy
  • The liftman’s self-esteem was hurt by passenger
  • Lack of courtesy from the passenger
  • Personal pride and dignity
  • Frustration and accumulated grievances
  • Lack of emotional regulation

Activity: List the people and their behaviour that made the passenger rude and ill-mannered:

Housemaid → Wife → Employer → Employee → Liftman → Passenger
  • Very rude behaviour of Housemaid with cook.
  • Very rude behaviour of cook with passenger’s wife.
  • Employer is henpecked at breakfast.
  • Employer avoided to say ‘Good Morning’ to passenger.
  • Very rude & ill-mannered behaviour of passenger with the lift-man.
  • Liftman pushed passenger out of lift.

Activity: Good manners are required in our daily life for making our social contacts more cooperative and friendly. Illustrate the behaviour of the polite conductor with different people in various situations:

 Situation Behaviour
1. The writer’s sensitive toe was  trampled on The conductor said sorry with an apology and courtesy
2. In the rainy season dealing with people Gave a tip that there was ‘room inside’
3. Dealing with old people Behaved as a considerate son
4. Dealing with children Remained as solicitous as a father
5. Dealing with young people Involved in merry jest with them
6. Dealing with a blind man Set down safely on the pavement

Activity: Write the impact of good temper and kindness on society, in the light of good-mannered conductor:

The good-mannered conductor exemplifies the positive impact of good temper and kindness on society. Here’s how these qualities influence society, as illustrated by the conductor’s behavior:

  • Creates a Pleasant Atmosphere: The conductor’s good temper and kindness create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere on the bus. Passengers feel more comfortable and relaxed, which can make their daily commute more enjoyable. 
  • Reduces Tension and Conflict: By handling situations with a calm and cheerful demeanor, the conductor diffuses potential conflicts. His ability to remain courteous even in challenging situations prevents escalation and promotes peaceful interactions. 
  • Encourages Positive Behavior: The conductor’s behavior sets a positive example for others to follow. When people witness acts of kindness and good temper, they are more likely to emulate these behaviors. 
  • Builds Community Spirit: Kindness and good temper foster a sense of community and solidarity. When people treat each other with respect and consideration, it strengthens social bonds and promotes a sense of belonging. 
  • Enhances Emotional Well-being: Acts of kindness and displays of good temper have a positive impact on emotional well-being. Both the giver and the receiver of kindness experience increased happiness and satisfaction. 
  • Promotes a Culture of Respect: The conductor’s consistent politeness reinforces the importance of respect and civility in society. It demonstrates that treating others with kindness and consideration is not just a personal virtue but a social responsibility.

Activity: ‘A modest calling can be made dignified by good temper and kindly feeling’. Explain the statement with example:

The statement “A modest calling can be made dignified by good temper and kindly feeling” means that even simple jobs can be respected and valued if the person doing the job is kind and has a good attitude.

No matter what your job is, you can make it honorable and respected by being nice and having a good attitude. Being kind and cheerful can make any job seem important and worthy of respect.

Think about a bus conductor. This job might seem simple and not very important. But if the conductor is always smiling, polite, and helpful to passengers, people will appreciate and respect him. His kindness and good attitude make his job seem important and dignified. Passengers enjoy their ride more because of his friendly behavior, and he feels proud of his work because he is making a positive difference in people’s day.

So, even if a job is modest, it can be made dignified by the good temper and kindly feeling of the person doing it.

Activity: The service of the Police is necessary for the implementation of law in our society. Write whether we require this service for good social environment:

Yes, the service of the police is essential for maintaining a good social environment. Here’s why:

  • Law and Order: The police play a crucial role in enforcing laws and regulations. By doing so, they help maintain order in society and ensure that people follow the rules. 
  • Crime Prevention: Police officers work to prevent crimes by patrolling neighborhoods, investigating suspicious activities, and taking proactive measures to deter criminal behavior. 
  • Safety and Security: The police protect citizens from harm by responding to emergencies, investigating crimes, and apprehending criminals. This sense of security allows people to go about their daily lives without constant fear of violence or theft.
  • Conflict Resolution: Police officers help resolve disputes and conflicts that could otherwise escalate into violence. They mediate in situations ranging from domestic disputes to neighborhood disagreements, ensuring peaceful resolutions.
  • Community Trust: When the police interact positively with the community, they build trust and cooperation. This relationship is vital for effective law enforcement, as citizens are more likely to report crimes and provide information when they trust the police.
  • Support in Emergencies: Police provide critical assistance during emergencies, such as natural disasters or accidents. They coordinate rescue efforts, offer first aid, and ensure public safety during crises.
  • Public Education: Police often engage in community outreach and educational programs, teaching citizens about safety, crime prevention, and legal rights. This helps create an informed and responsible community.

Activity: Grammar- COLLOCATIONS

  • Collocation refers to a meaningful group of words that often used together or that are likely to occur together.
  • Collocation is a combination of words that are often used together and sound natural to native speakers.
  • These combinations follow patterns that are familiar and predictable.

For example: great admiration, great anger, large amount, large collection, strong argument, broad daylight, strong smell, strong tea, deep thought, fast train, heavy rain, heavy snow etc.

Find out the words in column B which collocate with the words in column B:

Make Collocations and use in your own sentences:

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Use in Sentences:

  • They made a big mistake.
  • His dying was not any big surprise.
  • That was the big failure of the team.
  • Marriage is a big decision.
  • There was a big improvement in economy.
  • This audition is a big deal for Smith.
  • John won big money in USA last year.
  • It isn’t easy for me; I’m a big talker.

  • Her children are always very well dressed.
  • Sachin is well known cricketer.
  • The board was old and well worn.
  • He is intelligent and well educated.
  • The teacher is well aware of the situation.
  • He eats a well balanced meal.
  • They behave well together.
  • The castle is well worth a visit.


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