Home GRAMMAR English Grammar: Word Usage

English Grammar: Word Usage

english grammar word usage

Word usage is a grammatical activity or meaningful process where words and phrases are used in languages or language varieties. Word Usage is the way in which words are actually used in particular contexts, especially with regard to their meanings and structures.

  • It refers to the proper and appropriate way words are used in a language to convey meaning effectively.
  • It involves understanding the context, syntax, and semantics of words to construct meaningful sentences and expressions.
  • It is essential to ensure clear communication and avoid misunderstandings or ambiguity.
  • Mastering word usage in grammar involves a combination of vocabulary knowledge, understanding language structure, and being attentive to context.
  • Good word usage enhances communication and enables effective expression of thoughts and ideas.

Here are some key aspects of word usage in Grammar:

Word Meaning: Understanding the meaning of words is crucial. Some words may have multiple meanings, and selecting the correct meaning based on the context is vital. For example, “bark” can refer to the sound a dog makes or the outer covering of a tree.

Word Forms: Different forms of a word (e.g., verb tense, pluralization, comparative/superlative adjectives) are used to convey specific information in a sentence. Properly using word forms helps to express ideas accurately. For instance, “run” changes to “ran” in the past tense.

Word Order: The order in which words appear in a sentence affects the sentence’s meaning. In English, the basic word order is typically subject-verb-object (SVO), but this can change in specific situations or for emphasis.

Parts of Speech: Knowing the roles of words in a sentence (e.g., noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.) helps to use them appropriately and create grammatically correct sentences.

Idiomatic Expressions: Certain phrases or expressions have established meanings that might not be directly inferred from the meanings of individual words. Using idiomatic expressions correctly adds fluency and authenticity to language use.

Collocations: Collocations are combinations of words that frequently occur together. Knowing which words typically go together helps in producing natural-sounding language. For example, “strong coffee” is a collocation, while “powerful coffee” is less common.

Register and Formality: Different situations call for different levels of formality or register. The choice of words should match the appropriate level of formality for the context in which they are used.

Connotation: Some words carry emotional or cultural associations beyond their literal meaning. Being aware of connotations helps in selecting the most appropriate words for a specific context.


Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets to form new suitable words.

1. Jane was ________ married to David. (happy)
2. Because of over ________ , she fainted on the floor. (exert)
3. He finished his work ________ and went home early. (hurry)
4. They worked hard and became ________ in their lives. (success)
5. Her ________ was tremendously outstanding. (perform)
6. By the virtue of his ________ of mind, he could prevent that disaster. (present)
7. Teacher asked the student to speak ________ . (loud)
8. The sky was ________ when I was returning to home. (cloud)
9. His mother’s mind filled with ________ . (anxious)
10. Many people die every day due to ________ . (hungry)
11. She could complete her project within the given deadline with his ________ . (helpful)
12. Man is a ________ being. (mortality)


1. Jane was happily married to David.
2. Because of over-exertion, she fainted on the floor.
3. He finished his work hurriedly and went home early.
4. They worked hard and became successful in their lives.
5. Her performance was tremendously outstanding.
6. By the virtue of his presence of mind, he could prevent that disaster.
7. Teacher asked the student to speak loudly.
8. The sky was cloudy when I was returning to home.
9. His mother’s mind filled with anxiety.
10. Many people die every day due to hunger.
11. She could complete her project within the given deadline with his help.
12. Man is a mortal.


Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets to form new suitable words.

1. Heathcliff loved Cathy ________ and deeply. (passionate)
2. Theirs was a very ________ family. (harmony)
3. He was the Corona ________ (survive)
4. Do not make ________ comments. (stupidity)
5. Let’s have a serious ________ on this. (discuss)
6. He was ________ for his life-time achievements. (award)
7. Students participated in the competition ________ (active)
8. ________ of the external appearance is useless. (beautify)
9. He bowled very ________ in the last match. (slow)
10. Her speech has a ________ effect on people. (charisma)
11. You will have to enter data ________ (manual)
12. Antonio and Bassanio are known for their true ________. (friend)


1. Heathcliff loved Cathy passionately and deeply.
2. Theirs was a very harmonious family.
3. He was the Corona survivor.

4. Do not make stupid comments.
5. Let’s have a serious discussion on this.

6. He was awarded for his life-time achievements.
7. Students participated in the competition actively.
8. Beautification of the external appearance is useless.
9. He bowled very slowly in the last match.
10. Her speech has a charismatic effect on people.
11. You will have to enter data manually.
12. Antonio and Bassanio are known for their true friendship.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. The couple was leading a very happy nuptial life. (happiness)
2. The teacher emphasized the importance of discipline. (emphasis)
You must give accent on particular syllables while speaking. (accentuate)
Emma is very perfect in her work. (perfection)
Michael Jackson had a unique style of dancing. (uniquely)
We met each other accidentally. (accident)
Because of a proper guidance, he got success in his life. (succeed)
He asked questions curiously. (curiosity)
I made a different choice and that made a difference. (choose)
John got nervous and failed in the Viva-voce. (nervousness)
Shakespeare contributed greatly to the English literature. (contribution)
It is very important to concentrate on your goal. (concentration)


1. The couple was leading a nuptial life with happiness.
2. The teacher gave emphasis on the importance of discipline.
3. You must accentuate particular syllables while speaking.
4. Emma does her work with a lot of perfection.
5. Michael Jackson danced uniquely.
6. We met each other by accident.
7. Because of a proper guidance, he succeeded in his life.
8. He asked questions with curiosity.
9. I chose differently and that made a difference.
10. Because of nervousness, John failed in the Viva-voce.
11. Shakespeare made a great contribution to the English literature.
12. Concentration on your goal is very important.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. The place I visited yesterday was serene. (serenity)
2. She is looking very glad today. (gladness)
3. Hearing the crying of a small kid, he opened the door. (heard)
4. Robert committed that mistake purposely. (purpose)
5. He was accused of murdering his neighbour. (accusation)
6. Don’t do anything with haste. (hastily)
7. You must look into the matter carefully to solve it. (looking)
8. On seeing her rival, she turned her back. (saw)
9. The child was filled with terror. (terrified)
10. Maria blushed on being praised. (praise)
11. Paul became happy on the acceptance of his proposal. (accepted)
12. The country was liberated from the slavery. (liberation)


1. The place I visited yesterday was full of serenity.
2. There is a lot of gladness on her face today.
3. When he heard the crying of a small kid, he opened the door.
4. Robert committed that mistake on purpose.
5. He was charged with the accusation of murdering his neighbour.
6. Don’t do anything hastily.
7. By looking into the matter carefully, you can solve it.
8. When she saw her rival, she turned her back.
9. The child was terrified.
10. Maria blushed because of her praise.
11. Paul became happy as his proposal was accepted.
12. The country got liberation from the slavery.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. He satisfied all the judges with his performance. (satisfactory)
2. His proposal was approved by the committee. (approval)
3. Everybody was sad at the departed soul. (departure)
4. I am not bound to answer your every question! Understand? (binding)
5. He is not committed to any relationship. He is a free bird! (commitment)
6. They love each other unconditionally. (unconditional)
7. Joseph is very selfish. (selfishness)
8. Helen had great charms! (charming)
9. He is very good at drafting documents. (draft)
10. Meera speaks English fluently. (fluent)
11. The teacher corrected her mistakes in grammar. (correction)
12. She gave a solution to the problem immediately. (solved)

Answers :

1. His performance was satisfactory to all judges.
2. His proposal got approval by the committee.
3. Everybody was sad at the departure of soul.
4. It is not binding on me to answer your every question! Understand?
5. He does not have commitment to any relationship. He is a free bird!
6. Their love to each other is unconditional.
7. Joseph has a lot of selfishness.
8. Helen was greatly charming!
9. He drafts documents very well.
10. Meera is a fluent speaker of English.
11. The teacher made corrections in her mistakes in grammar.
12. She solved the problem immediately.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. Expectation is the root of sorrow. (expect)
2. He has a lot of wealth. (wealthy)
3. It’s very windy outside. (wind)
4. John is focused on his goal. (focus)
5. Amanda was confused about it. (confusion)
6. To share means caring. (sharing)
7. She had lustre in her eyes. (lustrous)
8. Her father has been always supporting her. (supportive)
9. Emma speaks with a great speed. (speedily)
10. Raju is very hard-working. (hard work)
11. Tears came into her eyes suddenly. (tearful)
12. You are very smart boy! (smartness)


1. To expect is the root of sorrow.
2. He is very wealthy.
3. There is a lot of wind outside.
4. John has focus on his goal.

5. Amanda had confusion about it.
6. Sharing means caring.
7. Her eyes were lustrous.
8. Her father has been always supportive to her.
9. Emma speaks very speedily.
10. Raju does a lot of hard-work.
11. Her eyes became tearful.
12. You are a boy having a great deal of smartness!


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. She rejected his proposal, so he got upset. (rejection)
2. Robert had a strong hatred for Paul. (hated)
3. He is the master of Chess. (mastery)
4. Jane decided not to meet him again. (decision)
5. Michael wrote an application for a job. (applied)
6. I strongly believe in the existence of the Almighty. (belief)
7. John achieved victory in the match. (victorious)
8. He sells fruits for earning his livelihood. (selling)
9. Gopal was dejected because he failed in the exam. (failure)
10. The movie hit the box-office as it was directed excellently. (direction)
11. He came with flying colours because he studied very hard. (study)
12. She surprised everyone with her new looks. (surprise)


1. Because of her rejection of his proposal he got upset.
2. Robert hated Paul strongly.
3. He has mastery over Chess.
4. Jane made a decision not to meet him again.
5. Michael applied for a job.
6. I have a strong belief in the existence of the Almighty.
7. John became victorious in the match.
8. He earns his livelihood through selling fruits.
9. Gopal was dejected because of his failure in the exam.

10. The movie hit the box-office because of its excellent direction.
11. He came with flying colours because of his very hard study.
12. She gave surprise to everyone with her new looks.

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