Home Spoken English Common English Expressions: Giving Advice

Common English Expressions: Giving Advice

Useful Expressions- Giving Advice

An advice is an opinion or belief that someone suggests us about what we should do or how we should act in particular circumstances. When we give someone advice, we tell them what we think they should do in a particular situation or position. Here are the most commonly used expressions for Giving Advice.

  You should avoid smoking
  You should…
  I think you should…
  It seems to me that you should…
  You have to…
  Have you tried this method?
  Have you…?
  I think you have to…
  You ought to…
  You ought not to…
  Why don’t you…?
  Do you know you’re wasting your time?
  Do you know…?
  Don’t you think that you should avoid it?
  Don’t you think that…?
  Start doing exercise regularly
  I suggest you to…
  My suggestion is…
  My advice is…
  This is my advice to you to…
  Let’s start to study now
  Let’s not…
  That’s right
  That’s not good
  I would suggest following this step
  I would suggest…
  I would recommend using this product
  I would recommend…
  It’s better to stay here now
  It’s better to…
  Listen, what I’m telling
  Remember, what I’m saying
  In my experience, …
  To the best of my knowledge, …
  As far as my knowledge is concerned, …
  As far as my experience is concerned, … 
  If I was/were in your place, I’d…

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