To avoid or to evade means to stay away or escape from someone or something. Managing relationships is always difficult, and sometimes the best thing to do is to just get away from the person for a period of time. Avoiding someone is not e a permanent solution but the need of that particular situation. Understand the reasons why you want to avoid people, and keep in mind that you may not be able to avoid people forever. Here are some words and expressions for avoiding or evading someone.
No comment |
I’m not interested |
I’m sorry |
Sorry, I’m not interested |
I’m busy |
I’m kind of busy |
I’m so busy. Can we talk later? |
I’m so busy that I can’t even think |
I’m sorry, I don’t have the right time now |
Can we discuss this some other time? |
I don’t want to talk about it now |
I would like to talk, but I’m busy |
I would like to talk, but I’m going |
I would like to talk, but I’m just running out the door |
I’d love to talk to you, but I haven’t got a minute today |
I think we already talked about this |
We already talked about it, didn’t we? |
Is it necessary to discuss now? |
I think it is not necessary |
It’s unnecessary |
I’m just on my way out |
Please leave a message on my phone |