Threatening is to express or suggest the approach of harm or danger. It is to show or to say that someone is likely to do something that will definitely be harmful or unfavourable. Here are the most commonly used expressions for Threatening.
Mind your language |
Remember your manners |
You dare touch me! |
Do not talk to me like that, or else |
Do not come here again |
You shall never come here again |
You’d better not come here again |
Whom are you talking to? |
How dare you talk to me? |
Stop shouting |
If you dare say that again, I’ll hit you |
I’ll show you soon |
I’ll have to take the matter further |
Who are you? |
You’ll be punished |
Be calm |
Get lost immediately |
Look, I’ve come to the end of my patience |
I will kill you |
I will shoot you |
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